Xionic Madness Wiki

The Leviathans comprise part of the robotic infantry of MBORF. These machines face Omega and Xero during the events of Xionic Madness 3.


Leviathans are mechanical in nature. They have an humanoid frame and have the heigh and proportions of regular humans. They seem to be quite have, clad in black metal armor from which some grey rivets can be seen. Their helmet has a cross-shaped visor that emits a white light while they are operative. When hurt, a synthetic green fluid comes out of their wounds.

They are armed with dual blades that can hide on their right forearm, and a short ranged, two-barreled hand cannon on their left hand.


Xionic Madness 3[]

Leviathan assault Omega

Omega aims at a hostile Leviathan

After Omega and Xero manage to escape, Leviathans are deployed alongside many other forces in order to stop them. The first one is deployed inside a cafeteria-like room. Omega and Xero are able to fend off the Leviathan by coordinating their attacks. However, as three more Leviathans arrive, Omega and Xero are forced to run away because they had not got their Cervical Armor yet.

Although they are superior to regular soldiers, Leviathans are not enough to stop Omega and Xero once they both get their Cervical Armor functioning. They are deployed several times in order to stop them, but those attempts prove to be unsuccessful.


The Leviathans are the first step towards functional robotic infantry. Close Quarter Combat specialists, they were created with the purpose of surpassing everything a flesh soldier could do on the battlefield. They have several superhuman abilities:

  • Superhuman strength: Leviathans are stronger than regular humans. They shatter the ground when entering combat, and one of them almost overpowers Xero when their weapons collided. Even though Xero did not have his Cervical Armor at the moment, no regular human had managed such a feat.
  • Superhuman durability: Leviathans seem to be more durable than the average person. They are able to withstand multiple impacts from small caliber guns, as well as endure several hits from the weapons of a Cervical Armor user. However, enough physical damage can bring them down.
  • Teleportation: This ability is very similar to the Weapon Warp-In technology. Leviathan soldiers are able to materialize themselves out of thin air in a matter of seconds. This ability allows them to ambush enemies, but it is not used during combat. It is unknown how far can Leviathans teleport themselves.


  • Dual blades: Leviathans posses a pair of retractile claw-like blades hidden inside their right forearms. They use their blades both offensively and defensively, parrying attacks and slicing and stabbing their opponents at melee range.
  • Hand cannon: Leviathans also have a small caliber, twin-barreled handgun attached to their left hand. Leviathans use their hand cannon in medium to short range, and even though it is not particularly destructive when compared to the weapons wielded by Omega and Xero, it is still a lethal weapon that can incapacitate or even kill a person.